Tuesday, December 7, 2010

research on our ideas

We decided that we wanted to go into the Beetle idea, given to us by the stimuli of Metamorphisis.. A play in which the main character 'Gregor' becomes a beetle.
We want to create the beetle crawl and make the audience feel it, perhaps getting the idea of a beetle crawling up the audiences legs or hands or palms.. such as this photo. Hopefully we will be able to achieve this by making the audience feel it, by closing their eyes (losing one of the 5 senses, making the others stronger which is what Artaud liked using. Artaud liked using the five senses, and also getting the audience involved in the performance, therefore the fourth wall is removed). By doing this, we hope to get across to the audience that is it creepy, beetles are creepy.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start to your development work. Consider, in addition, presenting some research about: Artaud's theories and the play Metamorphosis.
